An interview with international evangelist Joyce Rodgers

Evangelist Joyce Rodgers, CEO and founder of Primary Purpose Ministries, Inc. in Carrolton, Texas, spoke in chapel Nov. 19. Through her ministry, Rodgers has reached people of all beliefs, ethnicities, religious persuasions and cultural restrictions.

How did you come to know the Lord?

I was raised in a Christian family. Both my mother and grandmother were phenomenal women of God. I observed them as they triumphantly hurled through difficult times with calmness and peace. I would often question their method of survival, and they would graciously respond, “To God be the Glory.” I wanted to know the God of my mother and grandma.

When did you first know you wanted to go into ministry?

During my elementary years, I was a cheerleader and enjoyed cheering teams to victory on the court or field. One day, I undoubtedly heard the voice of the Lord say, “You will always lead people to victory—victory in Christ Jesus.”

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Apart from a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, I wanted to be a social worker. Social workers are popular in our culture, yet are in high demand. I knew they helped people find personal success, whether socially, economically or physically. I desired to be a part of the transformation and growth of others.

What is your favorite verse/passage of Scripture? Why?

John 14:1, “Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe In God; believe also in me.” To believe in God speaks to the idea that nothing is impossible.

Who are the people who have inspired you?

Beyond my God-fearing grandma (Big Mama), there are a myriad of people. Throughout the journey of faith, many have inspired and challenged me to grow greater and greater.

What accomplishments are you proud of?

The fact that I have been given unthinkable opportunities to talk about Jesus.

Do you have any publications or books you have written?

I have two books: ReJoyce and Again I Say Rejoice!, a 31-day devotional, and Fatal Distractions: Uncover the Roadblocks That Keep You from Fulfilling Your Destiny. Fatal Distractions talks about how the enemy uses things, situations and people and dictates in your mind to fatally distract us from being the Jeremiah 29:11 person God has called us to be. This is why we have to strive to maintain focus.

What do you want to leave with the people you minister to?

WOW, our God is greater than any other! If I’ve gained any glory, let it go back to Calvary, for to God be the glory for the things He has done! My heart is overwhelmed with gratefulness to have been counted worthy to serve in the ministry.

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